White Hat SEO Versus Black Hat SEO Techniques
White Hat SEO refers to the ethical practices that can help you rank higher in search engines. Black Hat SEO refers to those practices that are considered to be unethical. Knowing the difference can affect your web presence dramatically.
White Hat SEO includes the methods used by those more serious about upholding high quality for their users. White Hat SEO works by adhering to the guidelines set by the search engines and ensuring that the user leaves the website(s) with a positive experience. One of the most typical White Hat SEO techniques is having unique, concise content. This is key for a successful website. When the search engine’s “crawlers” are working to index your content, they want to see something that is your own and not copied off of the internet. Therefore, it is critical to write in your own words and use your experiences. This will benefit you and keep you in line with White Hat SEO techniques.
The next key to having well-rounded SEO is to produce rich media. This can be achieved by adding alternative text informing the user about the media. Add captions that clearly label what an image or video is. Clicking on the image or video while the caption is displayed along with the media will allow your visitors to see the alternative text provided. An additional step that you can take to enhance your media is to add good backlinks and internal links that show related content to the media the user has selected. The last thing you can do to ensure successful media is to edit it closely. This will help you improve your rank within search engines using White Hat SEO techniques.
Another tactic that people use to improve rank with White Hat SEO is to edit the SEO title closely, ensuring that it contains the “focus keyword”. The focus keyword is either a word or a short phrase telling the search engine what the content is about. You want to ensure that this focus keyword is in the SEO title, meta description, and article at least three times (depending on the article’s length). In some cases (with longer articles), you will want the keyword present more often to ensure that the keyword density is high enough to help you rank well.
White Hat SEO can be a bit more work on the front end, but the results, in the long run, are definitely worth the effort. We have seen Google and other search engines move more towards rewarding websites that focus on a positive user experience with higher ranks. With that in mind, creating good content from which the user can benefit will result in the search engines ranking you and your websites higher.
Another method that you must know about is Black Hat SEO. This refers to the list of unethical techniques and will almost certainly result in you receiving some penalization when used. Black Hat SEO was designed to create a hard and fast result in ranking on a search engine. These tactics are fleeting and temporary and do not focus on the user’s experience. Use of these techniques can lead to serious penalization and deletion of your website if found by search engine crawlers.
The first way this type of SEO is implemented is through redirection. This is as simple as directing someone to a page they did not originally click on. Once it comes up as a bad link, users will likely not return to the page for information. They are also much less likely to share this page on their social media, and if they do, it will not be in a positive way.
The next most common Black Hat SEO technique is placing hidden text within site content. This allows the website owner to place text unrelated to the topic on their site so that crawlers see it and index it as something more than it is. For example, if I run a blog on how to work from home and I go in and place Donald Trump’s name within it, this will get me some traffic that is not appropriate for my content. One way people get away with this is to make the text they wish to hide the same color as the background. This makes it invisible to the human eye but not to the crawlers. Sneaky, right?
Another unethical technique for boosting SEO is article spinning. This happens when a website owner takes something from the internet and then “spins” it. This tries to reword the same article to attempt to pass it off as unique, and it is usually not done in a way that creates quality in the new article. This is a way of stealing someone’s work and trying to take credit for it—plainly stated, it is plagiarism.
One other nefarious Black Hat SEO tactic involves spam links. This is when someone goes to a comment section and leaves a useless link unrelated to their promotion’s content. People click the links and have a negative experience.
Lastly, the last Black Hat SEO technique worthy of mention is “keyword stuffing.” Keyword stuffing refers to overusing a focus keyword to achieve higher rankings and more searches.
We only use and recommend using White Hat SEO techniques. Serious internet marketing professionals would never consider unethical methods that could place themselves at risk of serious penalization. White Hat SEO will allow you to fine-tune your website’s SEO and utilize good techniques to increase your earning potential month after month.
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a key way to increase your online visibility. Search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, etc., help consumers quickly and efficiently find the most relevant answers to their online searches. This may include searching for local businesses, specific services or products, and information on just about any topic. It is our company’s business to know how search engines work and utilize them to noticeably increase your web presence.
Why Trust Salterra Digital Services
Salterra Digital Services is a leading digital marketing agency specializing in a full suite of services designed to elevate your brand and grow your business. With a laser focus on delivering exceptional results, Salterra has cultivated a reputation for excellence in the field.
Meet the Founders: Terry and Elisabeth Samuels
Terry and Elisabeth Samuels, the founders of Salterra, have over two decades of combined experience in the digital marketing landscape. Their passion for helping businesses succeed fuels the constant innovation and top-notch service that Salterra is known for.
Terry Samuels leads Salterra’s Digital Marketing Division with sons Skyler and Brandon Samuels and a carefully curated staff of SEO Specialists. Elisabeth Samuels leads the Salterra Design and Development Division with her daughter Moraelin Bundy and her staff of project managers, designers, and full-stack developers.
Salterra’s Core Services:
- Search Engine Optimization: Mastering the art of search engine visibility to put your brand in the spotlight.
- PPC Advertising: Strategically leveraging paid advertising for optimal reach and ROI.
- Email Marketing: Crafting compelling email campaigns that foster engagement and drive conversions.
- Brand Building: Cultivating your brand’s voice, look, and feel for a cohesive and memorable presence.
- Content Strategy: Creating and distributing relevant content to attract a clearly defined audience.
- Social Media Branding: Engaging your community through tailored social media strategies.
- Web Design & Development: Crafting a strong UX/UI website that converts visitors into customers.
- Reputation Management: Safeguarding your brand’s reputation through active monitoring and positive engagement.
- SEO University: Teaching Agencies, Free Lancers, and Small Businesses Foundational Search Engine Optimization
- SEO Spring Training Conference: Salterra is the host of an annual training conference and multiple masterminds around the world.
Worldwide Reach from Tempe, AZ: Though based in the vibrant city of Tempe, Arizona, Salterra serves a global clientele, extending its world-class services to businesses worldwide.
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